Dove - Shopper Salon
The brief was to create a mobile exhibition stand, which captured the ambience of the beauty salon.
It also enabled staff to assess what condition a customer’s hair was in with a patented Dove tool. 

Further to the brief was to raise awareness and stand-out in the often cluttered shopper environment. Our answer was to create a mini salon that evoked the feeling of a specialist hair clinic in the foyer of larger stores. Once inside, promo staff would engage consumers to educate them about the condition of their hair, using Dove’s advanced hair tester, and which Dove product was relevant to their requirements.
Idea scamp
Idea scamp
Front render
Front render
Front right render
Front right render
Rear left render
Rear left render
Prudential Health
Here the brief was to imagine a bespoke event, to showcase a new health product, Vitality,
to prospective customers. They would receive a personalised invitation teasing what to expect. 

The event required a focal point for a speaker to introduce the product, answer questions and obtain information. An area for networking was also key - so this had to be factored in.
Route One
Route Two
Music Festival Unbranded 'Chill-out' spaces
A tobacco brand to required an experiential space to educate consumers of the benefits 
of quitting smoking with the aid of e-products, within the festival environments
The Big Chill and Creamfields.

First example is for a more laid back musical experience and the second a more intense,
drum beat focused environment.
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